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Thank you very much for donating!  I appreciate it more than you can know.  It will allow me to continue teaching, which is my greatest passion.  I have seen many of my past students grow up and retain their love of music.  I have had others who have actually become professional singers, actors, and musicians.  I have seen some students with little to no self esteem hold their head up proudly, and have new strength through their heightened self-esteem.  I strive to help with their personal growth through music, music lessons, and through "extras" such as helping them write original songs and then showcasing their originals on this website. The reward I get through teaching is endless and priceless.  Thank you so much for allowing me to continue!  

Donations can be given through  Venmo, or dropped off in lockbox.  Please email me at GENIE RECORDS email if you would like a different way to donate.  Please use the subject line "Donate."  Thank you very much!    

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